Unveiling Creativity: The Inaugural Gathering of Mural of She's Artists

February 14, 2023
The first gathering with the artists of Mural of She's was an intersection of creative energies and shared vision.

Saba Hamzah

a poet-scholar and educator.

The first gathering with the artists of Mural of She's was an intersection of creative energies and shared vision. As the artists familiarized themselves with the project's contours, they found a platform to recount their unique artistic journeys. These narratives highlighted the breadth and depth of their experiences and artistic evolution.

In addition to these rich exchanges,  poet-scholar Saba Hamzah spoke about the intertwined themes of art and social justice. She underscored the transformative power of art to explore and bring societal issues that matter to the forefront. She highlighted the potential of art as a medium of expression that transcends boundaries, conveys complex ideas, and invokes deep reflection.

As the meeting unfolded, the artists' enthusiasm for the project became tangible. Their admiration for the conceptual underpinnings of the project and the potential it holds was evident. They spoke with conviction about the significance of such initiatives that provide opportunities and safe spaces for creative Yemeni women. They acknowledged the immense potential such a platform could have in enriching the Yemeni cultural landscape, infusing it with valuable artistic and literary works that mirror the rich tapestry of their experiences and perspectives.

An exciting element of the project that was discussed was the unique task assigned to the seven artists. In an endeavor that harmoniously blends the realms of the written word and visual art, they would reinterpret and retell the texts of the writers of Mural of She's through their artistic lens. This transformative process aimed to represent the original narratives in a different artistic language, adding another layer of depth and perspective to the Muralia Her project.